Quasihomosexual Info Carrd

What is Quasihomosexuality??

Good Question!!!

Quasihomosexuality(or near-homosexuality) is romantic or sexual attraction towards homosexuality, while not being male.

This sexuality is mainly taken on by women who are attracted to homosexual men and/or mlm relationships. They are typically referred to as heterosexual, but this is incorrect, as quasihomosexuality is not heterosexuality !!

This is frequently expressed by "shipping" various fictional or real homosexual relationships or reading/consuming yaoi or BL. However, it can also be expressed in other ways, such as creating fictional mlm couples or supporting homosexual men.
This sexuality can be very emotionally and mentally tolling on a person, as they feel romantic+sexual attraction solely(or mainly) towards relationships they cannot indulge in themselves. This usually leads to them living vicariously through the sex/love lives of various fictional/real gay men as a form of escapism.

They also face a large amount of discrimination for their sexuality. They are frequently told their sexuality isn't real, that they somehow hate mlm, or that they're freaks for their sexual/romantic interest in homosexual relationships. They are frequently referred to as the slur fuj*shi, or constantly mocked.

In reality, these things can be very harmful for a person to be constantly told.

How Do I Tell if Somebody is Quasihomosexual??

Many of the ways to identify a quasihomosexual are things youve probably seen before!!

Shipping mlm Couples:

A large portion of kpop ships

Reading Yaoi/BL

Creating Fiction of mlm Couples:

Original stories focusing on mlm couple
Fanfiction of mlm couple
Romantic/nsfw art of mlm couple

Specific Phrases+Words:

Smol bean/gay bean
Cinnamon roll

Being Incredibly Supportive of Specifically mlm Creators

Note: not all supporting of mlm artists/personalities is evidence of quasihomosexuality, but if theres a noticable trend it could be, or if they seem to only support the person BECAUSE of their sexuality.

Discrimination Against Quasihomosexuals

While not usually treated as a real issue, quasihomosexuals do face discrimination based on their sexuality.

In reality, this is a huge issue!! Bullying and discrimination based on sexual orientation is never okay. It can cause low self esteem, hurt us, and cause us to stay in the closet+hide our true selves!!

Examples of Some Types of Discrimination/Microaggressions Against Quasihomosexuals:

Implying being quasihomosexual is a fetish
Saying fuj*shi
Bashing mlm ships
Calling quasihomosexuals "weird" "creepy" "perverts" "sinners"
"Shipping wars" as quasihomosexuals are very connected to their ships


Q: Isn't quasihomosexuality a fetish??

A: No ! A fetish is very different from a sexuality. Quasihomosexuality isn't more of a fetish than bisexuality, homosexuality, and pansexuality are.

Q: Is quasihomosexuality disrespectful to mlm??

A: Nope ! We love gay men. We frequently support mlm and simply are attracted to homosexual relationships. I've even had a few gay men tell me theyre flattered that this sexuality exists !!

Q: Is being quasihomosexual a choice??

A: No, not at all !! Quasihomosexuality is just like all other sexualities, we were born this way!